Mesh for Climbing Bean & Peas —The Support Netting for Beans and Other Crops
The Best Support Netting for Beans and Peas
Mature a green bean pods ready to pick and growing in a support netting for beans system
The Using of a Trellising Net for Herbaceous Crops is the Simplest Way to Support Netting for Beans and Also Climbing Plants
Side view of a pea crop with trellising net support system
The trellising net support system for legumes and vegetables, is a technology that has been present on the field for several years now and is utilized widely as support netting on a large variety of vegetable crops. This practice of using trellis netting is very common nowadays that permits agriculturists to make their crops much more profitable using methods that are easy and inexpensive.The implementation of support netting for beans and other cultivars of vegetables in general are part of a series of new methods and systems whose aim is principally to take advantage of the natural resources of the land in a more efficient way, or in some examples improve on the phytosanitary aspects of harvesting crops, or even just to make the handling of crops easier.
Mature Christmas Lima bean growing on a support netting for beans
Using netting to support your crops can be implemented either with conventional crop growing or with organic farming practices, especially since organic crops are so important to both consumers and producers. The importance to consumers comes from the fact that they will have access to and will be able to eat healthier crops, while producers will find it beneficial thanks to the ability of organic crops to be exported to higher value markets.When considering whether to plant any crop, there are an endless number of factors that affect their growth, both beneficial and injurious. Amongst the beneficial factors, one of the most important is the selection of a good variety or cultivar of seeds. This can be a crucial factor in determining the end quality of the harvest since a good quality seed ensures that the genetic information in the DNA of each seed will be able to instruct the plant to produce an abundance fruit of excellent quality.
The climbing plants as peas have a full development when grow on a support netting for beans
It is important to select seeds that not only have high productive potential, but are also resistant to diseases. This characteristic is very desirable, and contrary to what some think, does not actually mean that the individual plant will not get an infection, but actually means that the plants have the capability to continue producing a constant quantity and quality of fruit even when the plant is infected or presented with adverse ambient conditions, such as soil that is high in salt content by example.
Due to the lack of a support netting, this snow pea crop has developed poorly
One reason that agriculturists choose not to invest in a high quality seed is due to their higher cost compared to normal seeds and also due to the need to implement a complementary technological base to support the seeds.There are many exemplar cases in which the agriculturist invested in high quality seeds, but did not invest in the technologies that would permit their plants to reach their full productive potential. The root cause of this serious problem is probably a lack of information on the proper growing techniques for these plants, but in some cases is also probably a lack of funds. This in turn causes enormous losses which cause the agriculturist to distrust the newer methods of growing crops and return to the older less efficient methods.
Example of a combining planting of corn and beans with trellising net support system
Amongst the most common methods and technologies that we can mention, the use of plastics and agricultural chemicals is very common. Some examples of these are protective cushions or membranes, light enhancing plastic films, nets to support and restrain, as well as organic and inorganic fertilizers and plaguicides.Many of the methods and technologies that have been mentioned here first began to be implemented in the 60’s. This was part of the roughly 20 year period of huge increases in agricultural productivity called the “green revolution”. This revolution brought uncountable benefits and has contributed to saving the lives of over a billion lives around the world, however, these benefits have had some negative consequences on the natural environment meaning a general deterioration of soil and ambient quality.
Green beans supported by trellising net support system and chickens feed row spacing
Support netting for beans and crops is the best alternative to raffia
Pea crop with trellising support system in double row
There are many crops that due to their climbing nature will grow better on surfaces where they can wrap their tendrils around in order to support themselves. These climbing plants come in quite a large variety, such as beans, melons, cucumbers, gourds, and chayote, amongst many other plants of commercial interest that posse this characteristic.
Tendrils of a green pods beans variety on a trellising net support system
When trellising net is used to support these types of crops, assuming that the investment has been made to acquire a high quality seed, it is a simple matter to obtain abundant and high quality harvests. This support netting for beans and other crops gives plants the ideal surface on which to develop completely and additionally gives them the support that they need to withstand the weight of the fruit that they will eventually produce. Another great advantage that the use of trellis support is that the agriculturist can manage a better vertical distribution of his crops in order to use space more efficiently and even improve on the density of his plants. The vertical growth of crops also allows the plants to have improved ventilation near its roots, which lowers the overall humidity levels, directly reducing the rate that crops will become diseased. Lastly, the vertical growth of the crops promotes more efficient pollination, and improves the amount of solar irradiance that can reach the leaves of the plant, which overall improves both the health of the plant and the quality of the fruit.
To conclude, the use of support netting for beans, legumes, and other crops, is an easy way to reach the requirements that the selected seed needs to perform to its full potential. This is thanks to the fact that trellis netting not only allows agriculturists to take advantage of space more efficiently, but also gives plants a better surface to grow on, optimizes their ventilation and illumination, which directly improves the fruit, giving them a better coloration and even better flavor!
The use of a trellising net support system allow a better use and distribution of the space